Thursday, December 11, 2008

When Will He Come???

Welp, tomorrow is my due date and here I am with Baby Morey still nice and cozy inside my tummy. I'm still teaching and even walked a mile with my students today. I actually have a lot of energy - weird. My sub plans are done (finally! It took FOREVER!), the tree is up, my mom is here, so now he can come. We'll keep you updated!

Our first real Christmas tree! It smells so scrumptious.


Celeste said...

Your tree looks gorgeous, so festive.I bet it is so fun to have your Mom there. My mom was there when I was waiting around for my baby to come and we went on these LONG walks all over the place to try and help labor along. It was a fun time but I bet you're very ready to have this little guy!

Stephanie Barnhurst said...

Good luck with the delivery. I hope everything works out great for you and the baby. You will be in our prayers. I love your cute tummy. I'm sending you and your mom a hug from the Barnhursts and congratulations. Can't wait to see your new baby.

The Evers said...

Good luck we are thinking about you! I hope everything goes well!!! You could try castor oil ;)

Josie said...

oh how exciting! If he's not here by Sunday I think he'll need a bit of a lecture about punctuality when he arrives.