Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Party ideas PLEASE!!!

Eli and I are in charge of ward activities and we need some ideas for what to do during our ward Christmas breakfast. What are activities you have liked at ward parties? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!! THANKS!!


It's just us... said...

It can be a fairly big undertaking, but if you have folks auction off baked goods, "secret recipes," or even just stuff they've made/finished using, etc (or service items like an hour of baby-sitting), then you can use the proceeds to adopt a community family in need, or whatnot. We did gifts for all of the 20-somethings in a particular group home who didn't have parents to look out for them one time. Of course, this works better with a younger crowd, so it depends on the dynamics of your ward. It does keep the focus on service, though, which can be good, but also hard for many families right now.

Good luck finding the right fit! I'm sure with you guys at the helm, it'll turn out wonderfully!!

Celeste said...

Our ward also does a Christmas breakfast every year. Each food group is set up at different stations throughout the gym so there is no waiting in long lines. (Ex: all meat is at one set of tables, all eggs at another, pancackes at another, etc..)

One year they had a stable and little manager set up with some props and then costumes that families could put on and have their picture taken as a Christmas in Bethlehem sort of thing. Lots of families used it for Christmas cards that year.

I have also been in a a ward where they did a Christmas sing-along after eating while the kids colored and did crafts in one part of the gym.

Good luck!