I had two Napoleon Dynamite YESSSSSSSS moments today:
1. Tanner is w-e-a-n-e-d. That's right folks! After 14 1/2 months of nursing, I finally decided to wean the little crazy guy. I would have kept going but my milk supply started diminishing drastically recently and my metabolism slowed down to it's pre-pregnancy rate (which means that I actually have to work out now and start eating less. DARN! I loved the almost 2 years of eating lots and not exercising.) So since nursing wasn't making me thin anymore and Tan is so squirmy when he nurses, I just called it quits, cold-turkey style. The YESSSS moment is that he is actually drinking full bottles of whole milk - I don't even have to sneak some breastmilk or formula in there like I've had to do before. I am super glad that I got so many good months to bond with Tan while he nursed because I would have been really sad had my milk supply dried out sooner.
2. We went to Great Harvest today, which is the absolute BEST bread store in the universe. I LOVE IT!!!! (Yep Celeste, I still buy it! I remember our conversation during college about spending money on a gym membership instead of pricey bread. Nothing compares!)Not only do I like it because it brings back good memories of getting cinnamon sticks after YW basketball games and many other yummy things supplied by GH in our house growing up, but the bread really is just SOOOOO good. It is moist and thick and MMMMM, my mouth is watering just writing about it. We have always lived near a Great Harvest except in Payson and Baltimore and oh how I missed it! Want to know what my favorite part of GH is? The free samples when I buy a loaf. In Provo the samples were teeny tiny and made me wonder if it was even worth shopping there anymore. But in Salt Lake, they are H-U-G-E!!! It definitely makes it worth my time and money to get a sample of some bread of my choice. Mmmm mmmm good! Since a loaf is kinda pricey, I switch off getting loaves from there and the grocery store to validate spending that much on bread. If you haven't been there, go to there website and find out if there is a store near you. I'm tellin' ya, you won't be disappointed! Amazingly good bread = YESSSSSSSSSS!
Tomorrow is Tan's big surgery - Yikes! I know things will be just fine and I'm really not that worried, I'm just a little nervous for my little one year old to be put to sleep for 2 hours with anesthesia. Hopefully his body reacts okay to it. Tan's biggest problem will be the fact that he can't eat anything except apple juice and water from midnight - 9:00am. And then he can't eat anything until his surgery at 12:15pm. That means he will miss his morning bottle, a big breakfast, a snack, and lunch. We might have one grouchy kid on our hands! Wish us luck!!
To end this post, I have to share a way cute Tanner moment. Tanner has become very attached to Eli recently, enough that he asks for him ALL day and even waited by the door for him to come home yesterday (thankfully he showed up within a few minutes because Tan would have been so sad if he didn't come through that door soon). And he already is really attached to me (he had major separation anxiety back in December).
Anyways, last night after Eli read him a story before bed, I took him and started giving him his bottle. Eli left and Tanner freaked out. So then Eli held him and tried to give him the bottle. I left and he freaked out. We tried to switch multiple times and he just didn't like when the other parent left the room. So with the lights off, Eli hugged Tan to his chest while sitting on the rocking chair and I knelt down in front of them and hugged them both. Tan put one arm around my shoulder and the other around Eli's. He put his head on Eli's chest and his face right up next to mine. We hugged and rocked like that for probably 10 minutes. It was so sweet and I definitely cried! It made me stop and think about how grateful I am for my little family and what a blessing my boys are in my life. I love them mucho mucho mucho!
The Day Everything Changed
4 years ago
haha- thanks for the shout-out. I'm glad you're still getting your GH fix! And don't worry, apparently my priorities have changed too, because I don't pay for a gym membership either anymore, I just buy more ice cream. =)
im happy for you and your YESSSSSS moments. I am impressed you were able to nurse that long. I stopped a couple weeks ago. I actually am happy Im done too. Tanner is getting so handsome! I hope the surgery went well today. I was thinking about you and him. Hopefully next time you come into town, they can play!
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