Last weekend we went back to my high school for the Spring Musical "Beauty and the Beast." My memory and emotions were thrown back 5 years to the last time I was in that theater for a musical...when I was Kathy Seldon in "Singin' in the Rain." People kept saying, "I bet this brings back good memories for you!" And it certainly did!
Practicing my lines with any family member that would humor me. Late night rehearsals. Living on Gardetto's and Snap peas. Finding my own costumes with my costume manager - my mom. Practice, practice, practice. Making umbrella name tags for all the girls in the cast. Tapping outside in the rain. Kissing on stage - a lot (probably too much). Hanging out with Joey Majestic, Andrew Fischer, and Chris Sutton. My mom and sometimes sisters dropping in at every rehearsal, often with dinner since I forgot to bring something. Throwing a pie in Kristine Timboe's face (that took practice). Jumping out of a giant cake. Tap dancing! 8 minute abs twice a day so that I could wear the little pink dance outfit (glad that was a quick scene!). Worrying about missing a week of rehearsals due to a giant snowstorm. A cheering section in the audience every night of friends and family. Laughing and joking with Parm (my awesome choir teacher). Being asked to prom by Joey Majestic and singing a song to say "yes" in front of the whole cast. Spending time with talented and fun people. Greeting people after the play each night. The miracle of my voice staying strong for rehearsals and performances. The amazing support from my family members, especially my mom (she often made treats for the whole cast - once she made cupcakes with little umbrellas and raindrops - she's so cute!).
"a beautiful cake, full of wonderful surprises."

You are so adorable! I love that flashback and it wasn't even my own! Thanks for sharing!! :)
Hi Sara! this is Christa Shaw (Jardine). I just wanted to say that I remember "singin in the rain" from AHS! You are so talented and that was one of my favorite musicals ever.
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